Children - Kildare Osteopathy

With special interest in treating:

  • Sleep
  • Behaviour issues
  • Irritability
  • Falls, or injuries
  • Recurrent ailments


What to expect:

Osteopaths record a full case history which includes past and present medical health and any previous traumas or injuries. You will be asked about current presenting symptoms and also questions on lifestyle. They may take your blood pressure, and do further orthopaedic or neurological tests. The Osteopath will observe how your body moves and record their findings. After the initial consultation the Osteopath will then explain their findings and explain how Osteopathy treatment may be of benefit to your particular case.

Osteopaths recognises that correct function and movement of the whole body is essential to achieving good health. The structure of the body influences function, when function is compromised the structure is addressed.

Click the button below to book your appointment today—we’re are happy to help!